Featured Runner - Holly Rose

Holly first joined us by signing up for our first LEARN TO RUN COURSE. She had been "running on and off but could only run for a few minutes without needing to stop for a breath".
Holly recently completed the 4km at the HBF Run For A Reason and is a super example of consistency paying off. We love your work Holly!
Q&A With Holly
Occupation: Science Teacher
Ultimate Holiday: Driving up the West Coast of the USA
Eagles or Dockers: Eagles
Running Goal: To keep improving - 12km @ the HBF Run For A Reason in 2016
Favourite Perth Running Spot: Anywhere by the water
Favourite Session: Sunday morning in Kings Park
Best thing about Perth Running Club: The friendly & welcoming atmosphere. The coaches are so encouraging & everyone pushes each other to do their best. I have met lots of great people & love coming to training - which is something I never thought I would say!